British soldiers are known to be hard, but that isn't the whole story; the rest is a bit in hard training, having much in depth with history and possessing a good sense of humor that makes them bouncy.
Imagine a new recruit. There, he trains hard-to-learn fighting skills, and how to survive and work amongst others. He gets not only physically stronger but also sharper in the mind, both for any challenge that has been thrown his way; he learns the history behind the British Army, its customs, and its values by which he is proud to fight and to live by.
Training is never funny. British soldiers are funny, however, which allows them to cut through a lot of stress and solidify the bond between colleagues. It keeps people's positive attitudes, which produces strong relationships.
With this training and support from his team, he becomes part of something greater than himself. He acquires skills and knowledge that enable him to respond to any situation that might befall him. A British soldier's hardiness is not being merely muscular. It is to do with fitness, working well with others, having a great history, and having a strong spirit. They are prepared to face any challenge with courage and determination.