If Heinrich Himmler is shorter than 5'10", how did he meet the qualification to get into the SS?

Heinrich Himmler's height wasn't a direct qualification for joining the SS (Schutzstaffel).

While the Nazi regime did place some emphasis on certain physical attributes and perceived Aryan traits, height was not a strict requirement for SS membership.

Himmler's rise within the SS and the Nazi hierarchy was more influenced by his ideological alignment, loyalty to Adolf Hitler, and his organizational and administrative skills.

He played a key role in shaping the SS into a powerful and feared paramilitary organization that was responsible for many of the Nazi regime's atrocities.

Physical characteristics were considered within the context of the Nazis' racial ideology, but they were just one aspect among many.

It's important to remember that the Nazi regime's criteria for selecting individuals for roles within its organizations were deeply intertwined with their political and ideological alignment, rather than solely focusing on physical attributes like height.

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